Friday, April 17, 2020

The Downfall of Intelligence

I  can already hear the boos if anyone ever reads this...The biggest mistake that I/we made with our boys was getting them cell phones in middle school...We thought waiting until they were 13 was a big deal...
I can remember my niece coming over to visit and help with the babies but the entire time,  every few seconds,ding. click, click, click.giggle, ding. Really? I would say... put that thing away!!

Fast forward to our teen years and now there are earbuds to boot! I detest seeing kids walking around with earbuds in or dangling around their necks... What"s worse, is now there aren't even wires and you talk to them for 5 minutes before you realize you have wasted your breath and you will never get those minutes of your life back.

We have really tried to make the best of this coronavirus  business and are eating together every night then watching a movie together. Good movies. I have had to collect cell phones. They are playing games and sending snap streaks.... which I now know are the stupidest things ever. My sister has decided to send me streaks and everyday sends me a snap of her leg, the fish hanging in the wall or the ceiling all with a hand drawn  S at the top...geesch!

I promise my gifted twins  have lost IQ points since getting a phone. One twin stays up all night now and is sleeping all day.  One kid leaves the house after lock up and can get a ride with the click of a few buttons.... and hes gone.   here is a big but to my arguement. I can get in touch with him. while he's out.

Still, I believe cellphones are making today's kids stupid, and it is bad for the world.  end rant.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thoughts on Corona-cation

I really didn't think much about Covid-19 until about 2 weeks ago when a family friend and doctor messaged my husband to make sure he had a plan for me should I or one of the kids get sick. "I am immuno-deficient. Scleroderma/Lupus since 19 years old. So since that text, I have been on lock-down at home. Permitted only to go visit my parents also locked in at home. My house from here on out, is not the hangout!!!

The boys are harder to lock down. They have hung out with a few friends in the neighborhood in the front yard. Then they try to stay 6 feet away from me, bathe, It is a struggle when other aren't as concerned. Truthfully, if you are a healthy person and contract the disease, you should recover fine. but for those like me who have to be extra careful, must have their kids be extra c  areful criticism to anyone is intended. Containing my oldest has been alost impossible. He oes fishing. Picks up food and sits in the car with friends to eat and talk...I do try to stay 6 feet from him since he won't listen... but its hard. I like a big hug from my kids everyday!

homeschooling 14 & 16 year olds has been ok. They get up work on the computer, finish their work and then are free to clean something if they are bored, They are all already autonomous learners. My students used to love computer days when they had more autonomy. I also felt those days would help prepare the kids for middle school, which i truly believe it did.if you are homeschooling little ones or the first time,  don't fr tget to take brain breaks Try GoNoodle... its on youtube  i think.

I need to move more. My hobbies include blogging, painting, netflix binging, and reading... all things done whjle sitting in your butt.....not good

Well, i am going to paint... happy wishes of good health and sanity! until next time... goodbye and stay well